4 things about metadata matching that can make or break music success
June 24, 2024 Blog Details Anusha Shivaram
4 things about metadata matching that can make or break music success

Imagine metadata going out without any detailed process checks and unclaimed royalties being the outcome of it.

Are you an artist who dreams of being a star overnight? 

It’s a dream for many musicians, but the reality is, success on streaming platforms hinges on a lot more than just good music.

One crucial, yet often overlooked, factor is metadata matching.

Every member managing the artist community needs to ensure matching is done in a detailed manner.

Here are four vital things about metadata matching that every music professional should know.

  • Builds Quality Metadata Repository
  • Ensures Accurate Royalty Distribution
  • Boosts Music Discoverability
  • Improves Collaboration Efficiency

Every piece of music deserves the chance to be heard and get recognition. 

Remember, in the competitive world of music streaming, it’s often the little details that make the biggest difference.

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